
Paul has given many talks and workshops around the country regarding the roles of music ministry as it relates to other ministries in the Church. He really desires that all music ministers can share their talents the best way that they possibly can.

Paul shares his spiritual journey with audiences of all sizes and encourages us all to keep God at the center of our lives, no matter how busy we get and despite all of life’s distractions.

Below are just some of the topics Paul has spoken about. If you would like to have Paul speak to your Liturgical Ministers, or work with your Music Ministry, or to schedule a Prayer Concert for the Parish…please contact Paul.

"But This Is a Church Job!" - Conflict Resolution in Ministry

Too often our ministries suffer because of unhealthy relationships. We will examine the relationship between pastor and musician as well as the relationship between choir director and choir. It's good for us to look at how we can better support and serve each other so that we can serve our congregations more effectively.

"What a Voice, but Can She Be a Cantor?" - The Role of the Cantor in Liturgy

This session is an overview of the ministry of cantor; even the most seasoned veterans will learn something new. Practical hands-on tips to help animate the assembly to sing and pray. It's all in the details: improving tone quality, vocal production, diction, use of gestures, addressing the assembly, rehearsing and teaching new music at liturgy.

"Who Decided to Sing That Today?" - A Session On Repertoire Selection

This session explores how to wisely choose music for each part of the liturgy, and how to include new and old gems which will inspire your congregation to lift their voices and hearts to the Lord. Sometimes, our choices make all the difference.

"Whose Job Is It Anyway?" - Focusing on Our Roles in Liturgy

When was the last time we sat down and read the documents of Vatican II? We all remember reading them but losing focus on how they affect what happens when we don't use these guidelines and principles in our pastoral judgements. A study session on the document Music In Catholic Worship and suggestions on how to better implement our role in liturgy.

"You Want Me to Play with Them?" - A Music Ensemble Skill Session

How to get the most out of what musical gifts you have available and techniques for improving your existing ministries including recruiting new musicians. "We've always done it that way." Sometimes someone from outside can shed new light on a problem that has been there forever!

A Special Retreat Evening for Choir, Religious Education and Liturgy Ministers

An evening with time to think, laugh, pray, and sing is given as a gift to those who minister. Through the use of stories of conversion and hope, scripture reflection, music and personal sharing, we examine how we care for and feed ourselves to be the best ministers we can be. This night could take the place of a regular rehearsal or preparation night.

Liturgical Spirituality Workshop

"How do I pray while I am ministering? All I can think about is whether everyone will remember what we did at rehearsal." This workshop suggests ways to structure your ministry so that it is a spiritual time of renewal and not just one more thing you do. Hints on establishing a choir community and allowing the Liturgy and the seasons of the year to focus your daily prayer life.

Prayer Concert of Choirs

A time for pastoral musicians to sing for, and with, each other and at the same time to reflect on their calling and be fed spiritually. Then Paul focuses on how choirs can better serve their communities and be fed spiritually themselves. Open to the congregation as well, this evening could also include choirs from nearby churches, both Catholic and non-Catholic. Sometimes pastoral musicians won't turn out for a workshop, but they will come if asked to share their gifts and join in a performance. This is a good way to bring a little spiritual focus to what we do and why, and have a fun and inspiring time of renewal.

Seasonal Prayer Concert or Guest Musician for a Diocesan Event

Paul is available to begin a day of prayer/retreat or a catechetical congress and provide planning and musical leadership for all of the prayer sessions, morning/evening prayer and liturgies, including creating worship aids. Paul also provides music for retreats for youth, clergy and religious.